Thursday, March 14, 2019

Raising the Roof

Last Friday, Hernan arrived to begin dismantling the roof. He started by tearing down the ceiling and the metal rafters that the dry wall is screwed into. [bad grammar noted]

So what do you think of the color scheme? Should we stick with it?

We went shopping in Tilaran with Kevin to order materials for the new roof. First stop was the music store. Sue needed a guitar, and Heather and I decided we needed ukeleles. It's hard to tell in the photo, but Heather's uke is a green smiley face and mine is pink Hello Kitty. 

After the music store, we got serious and visited two fereterria's (hardware stores) so Kevin could get competitive prices on the materials. Colono offered the best deal (including pre-painted roof panels!) so we placed the order, paid, and it was all delivered the next day. 

Hernan and Henry are unscrewing what they can unscrew, grinding off what they can't, and saving everything that can possibly be re-purposed.

Here's a picture of Hernan and Henry, plus a couple more of the roof. 

1 comment:

  1. JoBel,
    Did you specifically request that Hernan and Henry re-purpose as much of the roof as was possible, or is that just part of their ethos?
